After the thrill is gone

I think we all understand there is no “perfect” speaker. Strengths, weaknesses, compromises all driven by the designer’s objectives and decisions. 

Whenever we make a new (to us) speaker purchase there is a honeymoon period with the perfect-to-us speaker. But as time wears on, we either become accustomed to the faults and don’t really hear or hear past them, or become amplified and perhaps more annoying or create minor buyers remorse or wanderlust.

I am guessing the latter would be more prevalent when transitioning to a very different design topology, eg cones vs horns vs planars etc.

While I’ve experimented with horns, single drivers, subwoofer augmentation …  I’ve always returned to full range dynamic multi-driver designs. About to do so with planars but on a scale I’ve not done before, and heading toward end game system in retirement.
So I just wonder what your experiences have been once the initial thrill is gone? (Especially if you moved from boxes to planars)


@baylinor Love the house of stereo! Great system and nice standalone house for it. And nice putting green out front. 😉


👍 Right back at you. Love the detailed description of your system. And with those pics it's easy to see what the technical aspect of the equipment does for you. Intense!

Now please don’t laugh at what I am going to share.. I started with Fisher DS-825 right out of school, moved onto JBL LC 310-1(The cone literally disintegrated one day and fell like tattered cloth and powder).. Moved onto B&W DM603-S2, then onto B&W Nautilus 805(Still have them), and then onto Joseph Audio RM 22Si(I enjoyed these with the infinite slope design before they started to get a little ear fatigue), Salk Veracity STs and now with some Magicos’ and Dynaudios... I have dabbled in adding Subs but can’t stand them with good high end gear now. I think I have finally found bliss with Magico.. Have no desire to switch to another brand or explore any further. They pair beautifully with Luxman.. I am happy as a clam..

Forgot to throw a pair of Tannoy reveals in there.. That I still have and like.. 

Don’t ask me why I remember all these model numbers.. It’s a thing for me..


For instance, I was seriously considering Maggies myself years ago for all the amazing things they do right, but what they couldn’t do as well was bring a heft, weight, oomph, etc. to the sound that dynamic cone speakers do quite well. By comparison the Maggies sounded a little more diffuse with less dynamic thrust into the room, and that’s when I realized I couldn’t live without having that more direct, dynamic impact and never regretted my decision.

Yes, wondering if I might have the same reaction, given I’ve ‘returned’ to those over the years from other styles.



Unfortunately, you can't take your speakers away on a second honeymoon.



Or can you...?

Well, I may attempt that. Over the years I’ve owned, or had/heard in home or a friends a handful of conventional driver models I really liked. There’s one available right now for a good price, and I may get them, and then also buy some Maggies, and see which stays, or if I become polygamous.

Well, made decision (for now) to hold off on 2nd honeymoon or other dynamic driver speakers, and wait to get and live with Maggies for a while. I’m keeping my SDA-SRS2 (also for now) to remind me of the low bass and dynamics I may be missing, and see in what direction that may take me. At that point, acquire or keep as the case may be, and start on optimizing room treatments for the survivors.

Thanks to all for the input.