I purchased a pair of AGD Audions several months ago. I could not be more pleased with them. I have been an audiophile for nearly 50 years. Having had financial interests in 2 high end audio stores, I have been able hear dozens of high end amps in multiple systems. I have owned probably at least 2 -3 dozen amps over the decades from many high end companies. I think that all of these companies are still in business today. Many of the amps that I have owned were class A amps, but most were class AB with most costing 2-3 times the cost of the Audions. Other than the amps in my REL subs, I have never owned a class D amp before the Audions. I purchased these on a 15 day trial after reading a very positive review. In my system driving Magnepan 3.7i's, the Audions are by a considerable margin the best amps that I have ever heard regardless of class or price. I will be surprised if they are not the last amps which I ever purchase. They are that good. Even after these months of use, I continue to be amazed at the sonic picture which they portray in my music room. "The bloom has never come off of the rose". They are extremely detailed and yet not the least bit fatiguing. The just present the most realistic sonic picture of musicians in my room of any amp that I have ever heard. Putting them in the system was like getting a whole new set of speakers and source equipment which performed at a much higher level.
I am not saying that there are not better amps out there, but only that they are the best that I have ever heard. I am not saying that they will be the best in your system. Every system is different. Remember that 2 of the biggest variables in systems are your ears and your room. I wish you the best in finding the amps that work best for you. I consider myself very lucky to have stumbled upon the AGD Audions.
I am not saying that there are not better amps out there, but only that they are the best that I have ever heard. I am not saying that they will be the best in your system. Every system is different. Remember that 2 of the biggest variables in systems are your ears and your room. I wish you the best in finding the amps that work best for you. I consider myself very lucky to have stumbled upon the AGD Audions.