One point people miss completely especially engineers...
Art history is a mirror reflecting human values choices and reflecting human history of consciouness itself..
A.I. is useful... Arguing the opposite is stupidity...
but the PROBLEM is an educational and societal deep one...
We are not ready for it especially with the big corporate monsters controlling it...
The problem is a spiritual one :
how could we recignize ourself as ourself as human" imperfect creature but free, if we loose the ability to look in the mirror of our own art creations because we will not be able to separate them easily from machine design ?
As Geoffrey Hinton put it, A. I. is not PROGRAMMABLE BY US at all AT THE END process of his growth... It is us humnans who begin to be programmed by it the first day it is born... It is done by basic Hinton works and others one year ago, at least Hinton know it others engineers many dont know it as Le Cun ...
Now the definition of what a "mind" is and his relation to a "material brain " is one problem we already encounter with us confronted to artificial intelligence or A. I.
Now soon the diffference between a human mind and his human brain compared to A. I. "mind" and A. I. brain neural networks will be replaced by a deeper question soon with ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, which are not there now as A. I. is already...But it will conme because the maths is already there...
This A.C. will be autonomous being as in "Blade runner" movie and the basic mathematics behind their design is already written ...
Now it is PHILOSOPHICALLY very deep spiritual question and spiritual responsability as illustrated in the movie ?
What is consciousness , and the difference between artificial consciousness and human or living consciousness of animals ?
The answer in the best way i can put it is this :
The universal consciousness field "light" has a projected "shade" manifesting to us as an abstract phenomenon in our own mind ... The prime numbers distribution...
This phenomenon is DICOVERED, not invented by humans, and this mathematical phenomenon is the BASIS of mathematic itself, it is the static skelton of the dynamic universal consciousness field...
All natural living consciousness from plants to humans are grounded in "it" as ONE conscuiousness, the prime numbers distributions is INFINITE... It is the most complex phenomenon in all universes which anyway are all finite and ONE universe at the end..
To create A. C. Anirban in his book : "Nanobrain: The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal ".
He used a FINITE small number of primes and demonstrated why we need only a finite numbers of primes to do so...
But think about that, all living creatures are grounded by evolution and DNA in the same information/conscious field which is INFINITE ..
Artificial consciousness will not be grounded in this field... No spirit/soul relations..
Artificial consciousness can only do ONE THING : creating a conscious mortal HIVE...One miilion years of life is nothing compared to infinity and eternity...
Why did i say all that here ?
Because we live in a time when we must choose between being humans or negating our own potential and immerging ourself in a dead end...merging with A. I. is completely wrong goal...
Transhumanist religious zealots dont know what they spoke about at all...
i prefer to trust mathematics and spiritual great human souls..
Art is a mirror very precious one... Destructing it with A. I. is a catastrophe so useful A. I. would be and it would be...Big pharma will use A.I. to destruct and control us... Anything else is being naive to the utmost...
Art is about soul expressing and reading not about decoration of living room or about movie design FIRST ...