@dekay thank you for laying everything out. I'm very happy to hear things are going as well as they are for you, David! Are you still in the western NY region?
As for me, I'm still in the Philadelphia area, but split time in Vancouver, BC. It's surprising about participating on Audiogon in my 20s, and sit here today a grandfather. Life has taken me down a really great path, audio and otherwise, and though I've retired twice, like to keep myself busy, and am fortunate to work in a field that continually pursues. I've encountered some outstanding components with friends, at shows / demos / dealers, and a fair number come through my system, either bought, borrowed, or friends wanting to give them a listen in my place. I sell things off, and still have more than I need, but a lot of the current lineup are keepers. I've found happiness + contentment, which unfortunately eludes too many in such hobbies