Aluminum wiring

I recently moved into a house with aluminum wiring and am considering converting over to copper. Is there a benefit to converting for sound quality?
The major problem with Al wire is that the ends connected to the various boxes/outlets etc. corrode over time. Al corrosion/oxidation is not conductive whereas copper's is. That is why the house fires (in very new housing at the time too) occured and Al wiring was ultimately banned in many jurisdictions.
My version of 'the problem with aluminum wiring' is that it was being used with connectors designed for Copper. Than, some of the above referenced problems start to happen. If aluminum was used with connectors and outlets designed for it I still don't know if it was OK?
I'd tend to want to refit with copper and all new everything.

I'll bet that single crystal copper would sound better than silver. just kidding.
Problem with aluminum is that has different thermal expansion coefficient and connections on wall outlets can get loose over time causing exposed wire surface oxidation and sparking/overheating (aluminum oxide is isolator). There are special wall receptacles for aluminum wiring marked CO/ALR.
Blindjim is right on. My old house had aluminim. My electrician told me to use analube (or similar) on every connection I could get to without opening up walls. It keeps the Aluminim from corroding.

Re-wiring an entire house is not feasable for most of us. Taking off switch plates and outlet covers to brush on grease is simply another Sunday project.
In 1976 when HUD set standards for mobile homes, aluminum wire was banned due to fire hazard, but to answer your question, yes it will improve your sound.

I’ve put in a bunch of Al services… meaning from the meter to the home’s main braker panel all the wire was aluminum.

I’ve put in a bunch made of all copper too.

To my knowledge, all is well with each instance, regardless the metal choice.

Provided the gauge of the wire being used and it’s dialectric are appropriate, it will meet code and last very well.

Using Alumalube at the service panels and main breaker box to reduce corrosion and promote conductivity is about a must.

True too the overall size of wire will increase if aluminum, is in use instead of copper.

Also following some years of use, it’s a good idea to double check the lugs for tightness at the bus bars in each service panel. You musn’t over tighten aluminum.

Both copper and aluminum are subject to loosening and corrosion.

Every metal exposed to the air is in fact susceptible to corrosion..

I’ve never used Al as inside wiring. Only from the meter to the interior panel. Almost all industrail services use copper. Residential goes both ways, though again, usually not within the home. Inside it’s been all copper romex in my exp.

This was one major point of contention with the contractor in my new home… and I should have stuck more to my guns then yet I doubt the outcome was as big a deal as I was making of it. I asked for copper service wire expressly. The sub contractor installed aluminum instead. Yet it was inspected and passed due to the facts all was appropriate as stated above, wire size and insulator type.

Noting the discrepancy and desiring it to be done as orig agreed, I was informed another 3 weeks would be necessary to make the swap out…consequently that also meant another months rent for residency elsewhere.

Having owned both sorts, I’m unable to distinguish any sonic diffs from aluminum to copper services.

I severely doubt anyone can walk into someone’s home or dealership and hear a rig and then say, “Oh, you’re running an xxxx service here, right?”

If you need to pigtail off of an existing ckt, and the inside wires are aluminum, which is very rare OR USED TO BE VERY RARE, using the proper sized fasteners and copper wiring thereafter should pose no real danger.


The primary concerns in wiring a home or rewirijng a home is due to the insulator materials dissolving or decaying, or the then ckt is incapable of conducting the now needed amount of current.

Most every house fire attributed to some electrical issue revolves around the insulation of the wire itself… not the tuype of wire in use… or it is due to a faulty device or appliance in the ckt. OR ATTACHED TO THE CKT., Becoming unsafe.

Lastly, if some rewiring is in order within a home for an upgrade, let’s say, in some areas it is forced onto the electrician to sign off on the homes entire electrical safety even though only one small part is being replaced or upgraded…. If he does not sign off, a waiver must then be signed by the home owner resolving the tech from any further liability… that’s the way it is around here.
BTW JPS cables use aluminum or did at one point.

I wonder when the next thread along these lines will speak of using silver instead of copper.
Remove it! Do Not mix copper and aluminum. Even pigtailing is dangerous. The two different metals will corrode one another, arc then burn your house down. If you can afford to do so, remove it! Copper would certainly sound better with the peace of mind it would give you. Cheers
The most common fix for aluminum wiring is to have it "Pig Tailed" the electrician refits the terminating ends with copper. This leaves the aluminum in the walls in place. The concern ,as mentioned, is the brittle wire. But since the wires in the wall are stapled and not prone to movement it can usually remain undisturbed. At the ends where it most likely to me moved it can break or crack the replacing of the ends with the copper which is much more plyable reduces this considerably. As far as the sonic differences between copper and alum I doubt that there is much. If possible run a dedicated 20 amp circuit(copper of course)to the outlet for your system.
I had aluminum wire in my first house in the 60's. It is brittle and tends to crack and break where it is connected to the outlets due to plugging and unplugging movement of the receptical. When it cracks, it starts to arc over and can cause fires. Stanwal is right... get rid of it asap.
There is a benefit that your house will not burn down! You should get rid of that wiring ASAP. I remember being warned about such houses in the 70s, I didn't know there were any still around.