Am I Getting Soft Here?

I’ve just been loving my stereo lately, this despite the fact everything is far from bank-breakingly expensive and is, well, at least a few years old. Right now I’m streaming CD quality music from Idagio and the sound is just glorious. Timbres are lovely. Sure, I’m listening to a modest. perhaps a ten person Baroque chamber ensemble, but there’s a convincing sense of image, dynamics and space. I’m not in the first row of the venue but I’m far from the nosebleed section or hidden in a corner. Hoping I’m not cursing things with this post!

NOLA Boxer Speakers. Primaluna Integrated amp. Cambridge Audio streamer. Interconnects, etc., at a similar quality level. But yeah, I was able to build my listening room pretty much to audiophile precepts, and everything is painstakingly positioned.


I can easily understand your enjoyment of present system. I used  a variety of Alon speakers for well over ten years. Also owned PrimaLuna amp rather recently, Alon/Nola and PL all very nice equipment, good for you!

Nothing soft about achieving one’s goals.   Especially when done cost effectively. Well done!   Just sit back now and smell the roses. 

In my experience, there's a very loose relationship between SQ and $ spent.  Recently listened to the system of a member of the local audio club.

Poor guy spent probably $500k on his system and I have hugely better SQ in my sub-$50k system.  I would never trade with him.

Room setup and treatment and paying attention to the little details - the weakest link in the chain, synergy among components - can make very modest systems sound glorious.

You know you're there when when the music is so emotionally involving you have to force yourself to stop listening.


i was going to edit my comment and add: I don’t care how much my system is worth, it’s not about the money. Understanding what improves the sound have less to do with big bucks investments and more with knowledge