Am I in the minority?

I was perusing some older posts today about computer audio and one that got me thinking was, "Once you go the computer audio route, you'll never want to listen to a CD player again." I've tried using only a computer as my transport into a USB DAC, and while it sounded great, I found I wasn't listening to digital music as much as when I had a CD player. For me, I actually enjoy selecting a CD from the rack, placing it on the tray, and watching the display read "Track 1". Unlike some I don't mind getting off the couch to replace the CD with another when it's done. That's one of the reason why vinyl is a better medium for me, also. I like watching the record spin as the tonearm is being lowered. Am I the only one who feels this way?
I found it funny that as you described not wanting to listen to music via the computer nearly as much as versus the CD player, I was thinking to myself that I feel the same way about listening to my CD player versus my turntable. (And then wrote the exact same thing!)

However, I do feel that CDs have their place.
(But that place is in my car.)
I agree with you that vinyl for me would easily be my first choice, but when music isn't available on vinyl, I would rather put an actual CD into the CD player than select it on iTunes. Must be my nostalgic side.
I am also a "physical" media guy. Never tried the computer route and right now, I really don't have any interest in it.

I love looking through my massive CD and LP library and picking out just the right music for my mood at the time. The LP cover art and liner notes will never be replaced or duplicated.