Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?

I have owned both expensive gear (and I do mean expensive) and ''budget'' gear. Many components are mind-boggling on a price-paid versus performance ratio. Three of my favorites are:

1. The Bedini clarifier. This gizmo just plain works. You may like - or not - the difference it makes on your cd's. In my case, it clears up a lot of fog. The cheapest upgrade to ALL my cd's.

2. The Cayin TA-30 integrated amplifier . So much performance and flexibility for so little money. Put it up against anything up to 3 times the price, musically and from a build-quality perspective. Just plain amazing.

3. The Apple i-Pod Mini. Yes, even from in an audiophile application, playing cd's (not downloaded MP3's). You can snob it but you cannot ignore it.

What are YOUR picks ?
Here are a few of mine:

* Denon DL 103 cartridge

* Toshiba 3950/3960 DVD/CD Players (used as transports)

* Ack! dAck" filterless, non-oversamping dac (especially the 2.0 version)

* Music Boy/Petra interconnects

* Home Depot 14g outdoor extension cord ("HD-14") used as speaker cables and power cords

* Moscode "SuperIt" phonostage

* Gallo Reference 3 speakers
I have to agree on the Cayin TA-30. An exceptional product. Sounds and looks way beyond it's asking price. It has finesse, detail, and surprising control for a 30 watt tube unit. I have had a number of integrated's in my system and this modest little guy bests all but a couple of them (one of them at over 8x the cost). Definetly the best find in all my years of listening.
My vote goes to the ff.

1.) Magnepan 1.6QR - I sold my Martin Logan Ascents (from Aerius, then Aeon, to the Ascents) for this! I was right about my decision and happier!

2.) Dynaco ST-70 - in modded form, it is so hard to believe that the design of this is "mass market" oriented. The original transformer is the key! I can power my 1.6QR with this and listen at low to moderate level and can forget about what amp is driving them. Unless you crank it up, then it will remind you that it is a 35 wpc amp driving an 86dB load.

3.) Teres TT - no explanation necessary.

4.) Jolida JD100 - at it's price range, you have to be bitten hard by the bug to upgrade from this. Soooo musical!

5.) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Zero Dust Stylus Cleaner - I cannot imagine myself without this outstanding cleaning tools.

And lastly...

6.) OL Silver - with Tom's (TWL) and Doug Deacons Hi-Fi and VTF on the fly mods. Not so expensive tonearm but with "gigantic" performance ratio IMO.

Caveat: I own all the stuff I listed. So I amp weighing from my personal preference.
VMPS's entire speaker line. I just became a dealer for them after using them for years. The reviews from professionals and users alike speak for themselves.

Parasound power amplifiers.