American Audio

Even if audio is a global thing, good ’ole USA is still there:

PS Audio -not terribly expensive, excellent-sounding gear
Benchmark, Sanders -innovative amps, no nose-bleed prices
Cables/cords -Transparent, High Fidelity, Synergistics, Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest. More brands than anywhere on Earth.
Klipsch, JBL -still after 75 years, horns no longer ’sound’ like horns
Emerald Physics/Spatial -new takes on horn/waveguides. Like Klipsch, all-American incl parts
Vandersteen, Joseph, Ryan -the cone speaker keeps getting better
Component/speaker stands -Symposium, Critical Mass, Star Sound
ASC -room acoustics

It’s a confusing world of ear-buds, computer & car audio. And tech-general like the internet. But quality 2-chan audio is around and it’s more than I thought....

I believe my system has a few American brands not seen on the list yet:
ADS tower speakers  (still excellent sounding )
B&K Reference amp   (very underrated )
B&K sonata pre-amp (nice solid state)
Advent 300 (still superb)
Schitt switch and headphone amp (ingenuity from America at its best)
Adcom GP5400 (great amp for optional system)
Grado cartridge (innovative products)
Sylvania FM/Am radio  (interesting quality for so long ago, good sound from a small size )

I think someone did mention Schitt audio. My Advent 300 may be my most loved treasure right now. Never selling my speakers, sound too good. 
I used to love my Polk audio /Hafler amps and pre-amp rig. Smooth sounding and fun!
@bdp24 , it started well before Bill Johnson. How's about Paul Klipsch, Edgar Villchur, Joe Grado, and Saul Marantz. Bill did take it a step further but he certainly did not start high end. Mark Levinson demonstrated that you could charge silly money for Hi Fi gear and get away with it but the real master was John Curl.