Amp and Preamp recommendations for Yamaha NS5000

Currently have SOTM 200 ultra -> denafrips terminator +dsp board -> Audio gd he9 pre amp -> dual bryston 4bsst -> NS5000.
I am loving the sound... just sounds incredible. But wonder about amp and pre amp upgrades down the road. Any thoughts on what might work well? These speakers are 87 db efficient.
So far thinking all pass labs amps + pre.

Ok with buying used. Would like to keep things under $20k if I can. Thanks.

There is a difference in sound between Pass’s class A vs AB stuff.  The warmer, more liquid sound is Class A where the AB stuff is less so.  You should not assume the AB stuff sounds the same.  Be careful and talk about specific models.  Note that poster above was looking at warmer amps vs his 350.8.

Both the Class AB and Class A Pass are warmer than the CODA #8 + #16 and KRELL DUO 175XD + K-300i (I owned all of them except Pass). The KRELL is not so much warm, it is super smooth. I posted on here that was smooth like butter. The CODA is slightly warm and the #16 is kind of like the Benchmark AHB2 but with massive power.

Luxman m900u is also warmer than the CODA and KRELL to my ears. Luxman is closer to Pass for me.

Did anyone ever compare the ns 5000 with Harbeth 40.x? Similar size, cost and efficiency but that doesn’t mean they sound the same. I’ve never heard the Yamaha. If it sounds like the Harbeth but more lively I would be interested. 

@yyzsantabarbara how does m900u compare to your coda no 16 and krell? Have you ever compared directly to pass ?

@paullb im pretty sure ns5000 will be much brighter (more neutral) than the harbeth which is known to be very thick and warm. But I haven't heard the harbeth and will allow someone else to chime in.