Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hi guys

Anyone recommend amps for my new Obelisks? I heard the Plinius 9200 was ok but wondered if tubes would do it? Like these:

Or high power Mcintosh?
Jungson JA-50 monos?

My music is rock and electronic biased with lots of live music etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts!


Richard H
the shahinians are big ss all the way, but aren't what you would call an ideal speaker for rock and roll or electronica....
I have Obelisks and use a Plinius SA100 with them.The Shahinian speakers in general need amps with high current so solid state is often recommended. Peter Thomson of Plinius uses Shahinian ( I think Diapasons) and I know Richard Shahinian thinks that Plinius works well with his speakers.I have also run my speakers with An ARC VT100 power- really sweet midrange but a bit lacking in the bottom end compared with the SA100. SO IMO I think the Plinius would work well.
Off the topic of amps, I'd never heard of these speakers until now.
What is the most endearing quality of the Obelisk's?
I've owned Obelisk for more than twenty years. Without question the best amp for them is Bedini, at least 100 watts. The 25 watt amp will drive them and be very musical but will at some point run out of gas.I've used a Spatial Coherence pre amp with them and have turned plenty of high end heads with that combination. I don't know where you might find a Special but they are worth looking for.
Good luck in your search
Many thanks for your advice and tips. I'm actually getting some Obelisks and some ESP Harp speakers.

I'll check out both Bedini and Plinius!

