I once heard a pair of SF Cremona M's being driven by a Marantz PM-8004, and could not believe what I was hearing - extremely impressive performance. Now I am not recommending this particular amplifier even though I know it will get the job done and costs less than your existing Arcam. But I am suggesting that you check out the flagship of the Marantz reference line, the PM-11S3. At 5K list, its right at the bottom of your budget and I am sure you would be impressed too.
BTW, I drive my 4 Ohm Vienna Bach Grands with the PM-11S3's little brother, the PM-15S2 and am so pleased, I will not be looking for another amp for a long time.
BTW, I drive my 4 Ohm Vienna Bach Grands with the PM-11S3's little brother, the PM-15S2 and am so pleased, I will not be looking for another amp for a long time.