Amp for the new Watt Puppy speakers

Haven’t seen much info on these speakers since they came out. Upgraded my Yvette’s with the new Watt Puppy’s. Currently using a McIntosh MA12000 and looking for recommendations on new power. Would like to go separates but not sure if I should go mono blocks or stereo. Going to try D’agostino. What else? Open on budget. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xbrandan

I heard a pair of WP8s im August. I was amazed. To my ear they sounded better than the Alexx V which I also auditioned.

The WPs were driven by a Mac tube amp (I know, I know but that was how the dealer presented them).  The Alexx Vs were driven by a Burmester that looked like a dorm room refrigerator. They sounded so cold and analytical I thought it may snow in the listening room. :)


If you’re cool with the money part give a listen to the 5 years in the making Audio Research 330m units. I heard them here in the Carolinas and they were stunning.  I want to get a pair of WPs driven by the 330ms.  

That’s just one man’s opinion but I’m a critical listener. 

Have fun with the discovery process! 

Ive heard Rowland Mono Blocks running thru Watt/puppy's

Sounded great. Blew my B&w 801#3 and Krell ksa 250 away in every way.

Id mate those Wilsons up with a smooth Musical amplifier over hyper detailed, type amp.  For sure.

My friend,

With the new technology incorporated in the new WATT / Puppy’s any high end amplifiers will do just fine. In fact, part of the Philosophy of Wilson, Audio is to design speakers for the best audio equipment. Instead of asking many of us for the best amp to pair with your new speakers, you may want to focus on what the experts say is the best amplifiers. Robert Hartley has a video highlighting his reference system in which he goes into detail expressing why his choice of components works best for him. He does this without mentioning his Wilson Audio Speakers. 

Best regards,
