Thank you Ejlif & Tvad.
Talking about power: did anyone try the VR4SR with a set of Jeff Rowland mono amps? In my experience (not with the VR) they have lots of power - very clean and accurate. I consider Valves because I love the warm sound, although like also lots of details and excellent sound stage. But if these pair need lots of power than maybe a set of Jeff Rowland as the power unit + a valve pre-amplifier (vac, cary, lamm .?) will fit the most?
Talking about power: did anyone try the VR4SR with a set of Jeff Rowland mono amps? In my experience (not with the VR) they have lots of power - very clean and accurate. I consider Valves because I love the warm sound, although like also lots of details and excellent sound stage. But if these pair need lots of power than maybe a set of Jeff Rowland as the power unit + a valve pre-amplifier (vac, cary, lamm .?) will fit the most?