Amp recommendation for Alon Circe?

Recently upgraded speakers to Alon Circes. 87 db eff, 8 ohm impedence. Currently using Counterpoint SA-20 (200 wpc, hybrid). Musical preference is diverse, including classical, piano, jazz, blues, and rock. Listening room size is 15' x 18', with 8' ceilings. Is anyone running a similar system, and willing to share some lessons? Thanks.
Great speakers! I have the Alon Lotus SE MKIII and I love them, they're the last speakers I think I'll own. They are quite a bit more efficient than the Circe's, I run them on Cary 300B monos at 12 watts per side. You can't get away with that, but you should definitely go with tubes, that's how Carl voices his speakers. Go with something medium to high powered, perhaps something from VTL or conrad-johnson. Home demo as many different amps as you can, your speakers are good enough to really spend time finding the perfect amp for them. And when you do you're in for some real magic. Enjoy!
I would agree with the VTL recommendation, as well as Audio Research VT200s, both of which I have heard with the Circes and think sounded quite good with them. I agree, nice choice in speakers, great ones for listening to music.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences. One thing I should have mentioned in my original post is that I intend to go with tubes, or possibly another hybrid amp because the Circes were designed with them in mind.
Awdeeofyle - Thank you for the ss suggestions!
Jond and Rcprince - I agree that the Cary 300s are not the best match for these speakers due to their power requirements. VTL is on my short list to audition.

Would the Lamm M1.1 (100 w mono block, hybrid architecture) be an appropriate match?? If so, why?

Again, thanks!
Why would the Lamm be an appropriate match? Because it's better than any of the amps mentioned in this thread, for starters. It has plenty of power, but unlike the ss amps mentioned, it doesn't screw up timbral reproduction. And unlike the whitish, hazy VT200's, the Lamm is essentially transparent. Best of all, as J10 said, "it's got soul, baby."
The Lamms are better than the other amps mentioned, although I'd stretch to get the ML1s (used) if I were going that route. They are superb amplifiers.