Amp recommendations

Looking for some advice. My 25 year old amp has given up the ghost and I haven’t kept up with what’s good out there. Instead of sinking money in my existing amp, I’m thinking of replacing it. The amp that went bad is a Cary Audio CAD 300B (none of the tubes are working, one of the rectifiers flashes when turned on, I checked the tube fuses). The preamp is a Cary Audio SLP-70 (I recently had it checked out and retubed it). The speakers are Chapman T-7. I also have a Creek CD-60 and Project 1.2 turntable. Music Meter inter connects. My budget is around $4000 for a new amp. Is this a reasonable budget? What amp recommendations do you have? I’d prefer to stay with vacuum tube but if there are solid state amps that you’d recommend, please do so. I can provide specs on the components if needed. Thanks for your advice.

The OP has a preamp. Why are you recommending an integrated amp??

Because this is what MC always does.  His answer is to scrap your whole system and replace everything with a Raven amp and Tekton speakers. all costs and regardless of your listening priorities.

Honestly, if the OP loves the sound of 300B or SET amps, why on earth would you direct him to Raven amps and Tekton (a mostly 4 ohm lineup of products) speakers?  Because dude has an agenda of pumping this gear and not having any empathy for anyone's listening priorities. 

I just read a review of the new Rogue DragoN that quite impressive $3995

@ z32berber,
Iwin raises a good point.
1 How much did you enjoy the Cary driving the Chapman’s?
2 Have you heard any other amplifier paired with this speaker and if yes what did you think compared to the Cary?
3 What do you find are the sonic strengths of the Cary?
4 I’d have a competent technician evaluate the Cary to uncover the underlying problem. It could possibly be relatively simple to repair/correct.
5 People have suggested some good options but you could still find that your Cary 300b is more satisfying and enjoyable to listen to. Ideally it'd be great to compare other types of amplifiers to yours.
For a good number of years I had the less powerful SET Cary CAD 301, and it drove ProAc Response 2.5's very well indeed.
It's worth sinking a couple of hundred bucks in your 300B to explore if it can be revived or not.
If not, then I third the Quicksilver rec.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback and recommendations. I’ve been doing a lot of research into things related to what’s been said. Here’s my plan. Start by having all the tubes tested. If it’s just a tube problem, then I’ll replace them. If the tubes are good, then I’ll make some calls regarding getting my Cary repaired. But my concern is then having an amp that’s underpowered (25 watts RMS) for my 90dB speakers. Then decide whether to replace the amp and sell the Cary or keep the Cary get new speakers.