Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

My best solid state amp(s) is jeff roland's model 6 monoblocks which I still own and drive a pair of usher rw729 monitors with outstanding control and proper timbre; one could not ask for more.
I used these on dunlavy scIII's with fantastic results and could not have asked for anything better;I have not heard a better solid state amp in a while but I am sure by now with current technology there maybe other contenders.
@ Rleff, Hi, yes, your Rolands are indeed good amps, congrats!, usa made!, Rolands and krell and passlabs have been around a long time, great american audio!
Judy, constructive and or friendly discourse will get you further. I doubt anyone appreciates your ongoing lack of manners and disrespect here.
@ Isochronism, Thanks, do you know Judyazblues?, I do not!, never talked to this person about anything audio!, Isochronism go look on the digital, K-03 thread, this judy is there making static for me there to, LOL!, I must have something wrote on me saying, lets mess with this guy and see how much crap he can take, Ha, Ha,LOL!, oh well, I suppose they are having their fun!, I can do better, like ignore them!, However, its a shame that post like that ruin a thread, Thats it, we can call people like that, thread killers, Ha, Ha, LOL!