Amplifier for Klipsch Cornwalls

I will be bying some Klipsch Cornwalls soon and will need an amplifier to drive them. Hoping to find something under $500. I have a Thor tube pre-amp and a Forte solid state pre-amp.
These will be in a second system primarily for home theater. But I will use them for music as well. I do like it loud sometimes.
I was simply stating my experience with Klipsch. I've owned K horns, La Scalas and heresy's, and in my opinion they all sounded much better with a ss amp and tube pre.
I ran Klipsch Forte II's with both SS amp and tubed amp. The SS amp was 200WPC and the Tubed amp was 90WPC. These speakers were so efficient, I think they could be driven by a 3 watt amp. Anyway, I never had any problems driving these speakers with either amp. The Forte II's are on the bright side, so I preferred the sound through the tubed amp.