Amplifier recommendation

I have acquire a Acurus A150 amplifier a few month ago that powered a few speakers. They are my DIY Dayton speakers( was my first speakers for a while), Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and now the new acquire Triangle BR03. The Triangle sound amazing with the A150 but I want to try another amp with similar specs. The two I was interested is the Bryston 3B SST or the Coda Model 11. The preamp is a Rotel RC995 which has balanced output to as well as RCA.

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FWIW, the Coda No.11 has achieved a near legendary status among some.


I would not hesitate to buy one for a reasonable price, and that’s even despite the fact I was ultimately somewhat disappointed with a newer No.8. 

You should also consider the restored/upgraded Yamaha B-2 VFET amp for sale here. It will likely compete with anything remotely near your budget. I know for a fact it would stomp the Hegel 160. 


@helomech What did you use for a preamp with the No 8?  I upgraded from an older Coda to the No 8.  I don't find it lacking in bass at all. 

Never heard the Bryston, nor the CODA No 11. I do know that CODA amps are huge current machines and deliver a good chunk of that power in Class A..I know the CODA No 8 well, and own the latest S5.5.

The S5.5 drives some very difficult speakers extremely well (vintage Infinity RS Kappa 7s and Thiel 2.3s) among others.....but I would think the Coda No. 11 could be a good match