Amplifier suggestions to drive a pair of NHT 3.3

Hello Audiogoners.

I recently aquired a pair of used NHT 3.3 and I'm pretty happy about it. I intend to build my 2 channels system around them. So, the rest of my gear will probably be all upgraded at one point or another.

For the moment (this fall-winter)I want to upgrade the power amp. I got a Rotel RB-956AX, I bi-amp, bi-cable with 50w/c. No need to tell me how much I miss with this amp, it's pretty obvious to me...

So, I want decent power (200-300w/c) in a 2 channels unit (monoblocks while tempting will be avoided for the moment). I want deep thight bass, warm mids and sweet highs (don't we all).

I'm considering:

Mark Levinson 23.5
McIntosh MC300-MC352
Pass Labs X250-X350
Krell KSA200S-FPB200
Classe CA300
Bryston 4B-SST

So in the range of $2000 to $3000 used.

Any comments on these amps (or others) with the NHT 3.3 mostly appreciated.
Thank you all for your comments and sugestions.

Anyone else with some experience with the 3.3 and the amps I'm considering or any other(s), feel free to post your comments.

Thank you.
The Odyssey Stratos Dual Mono (2 monoblocks in one chassis) would be a very good match with these speakers. And they would also save you some money too. 20 year warranty.
I am using Aragon 8008 Mk2 to drive 3.3 and I feel 3.3 might like more power. I am thinking about a Classe CA 300/400 or Krell KSA-250/300s. Suggestion?

Roy2001 - I used a 8008BB with great results on those speakers. That's a very powerful amp you have (more like 300wpc at 8) .If you truly want perceptibly more power than what you've got you're into Krell FPB-600 land. Maybe it's just a different sound you're looking for.
I just can't believe anybody telling they need more power than the Aragon.
I think if you're driving an old pair of 3.3's you migt want to replace the crossover network, talk to NHT about it, , , , more power.
The Aragon puts out 300 real watts at 6 ohm (NHT 3.3 are 7 ohm load) and they trally feel a lot more powerful than the 400 WPC compared to Sunfire and other ampl opn that class.
If you really want more power buy the Threshold Audio Version Monoblock or the S-5000e released a couple of year ago retails for $2,600 or so.
Maybe you can find a used one around.
I have been driving my 3.3's with am Aragon 4004 MK0II with much success, also using noe the Threshold S-5000e, more livelier than the Aragon, more air on the top end which the 3.3's do wonderfully,
Sunfire cinema grand biamping lows and top (2 channels per speaker) did not quite do it, didn't feel like the Aragon or the Threshold.
You might want to try a Krell KSA 250 or somethind like that, not more power just different flavor.
By all means replace the crossover network if you have an older pair 1993 to 1997 or so.

Hope this helps a little

God Bless!
