Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
My 30-year-old Kenwood Supreme 700m and 700c, amp and preamp, recently recapped throughout.
My Music Reference RM9, Counterpoint SA-220, Quicksilver Silver 60s and Pathos Classic One II may see a few others share the rack over the next couple of decades but they're not going anywhere.
Pubul57 - I also did not do a VAC vs "the world" contest. My prior amp was a McCormack DNA-500, which I still have and which will eventually go into a 2nd system, hopefully. I listened to a wide range of both solid state and tube amps ranging from inexpensive to very expensive and decided to go with the VAC Phi 300.1 for my system. I also know Kevin, have owned his products before, and like and appreciate both his gear and the caring, professional manner in which he does business. He is one of the "good guys". My amplifier quest is over for the foreseeable future. Fortuitously, my new speakers have a tremendous synergy with my VAC gear, so I smile every day.