Amps for Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene's?

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I am looking at possibly changing my Bel Canto E1X amp. It is a nice amp but I haven't tried any Class A, Class A/B, or Tube amps with it. It could also be an Integrated amp. The Pre-amp is a Goldnote DS-1000 mkii deluxe version. Some of the brands I have access to are Alluxity, Electrocompaniet, Accuphase, Goldnote, Krell, Hegel, Rogue, Nad, and Coda. If anyone has had experience with any of these brands and Joseph Audio Speakers I would like your to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.


The highs and mids are good but could use more slam in the bottom end. The JA's are are very relaxed speakers. The Bel Canto is a good amp but maybe there is something better? I will try to get some home demos done.

If you’re liking the mids/highs with the BC I’d try to demo a Hegel amp that’ll preserve the good stuff but may well add some bottom-end oomph you seem to be looking for.  Krell would be right up there as well but might be just a little more polite sounding up top.  Best of luck. 

I’ve got the Pulsars (non-graphene), and use a BAT VK-33 pre-amp and a BAT VK-235se power amp. Great sound. Whatever amp you get, make sure it’s at least 60 wpc as that’s what Jeff Joseph recommends.

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That said, Joseph Audio speakers can be quite warm and refined

@blisshifi While JA speakers are definitely refined sounding, I completely and wholeheartedly disagree that they should ever be categorized as “warm” sounding unless they’re being driven by warm-sounding electronics.  Save the warmth moniker for brands like Harbeth, classic Spendor designs, Tannoy, etc., not for JA speakers.  I usually agree with you, but not here.  Not at all.