Amps for Joseph Audio Pulsar 2's?

I am looking at getting a new amp for my Pulsar 2's. The amps I am looking at are:
Bryston 4B3 
Hegel H20 
Simaudio Moon 330A 
PS Audio M700 Monoblocks 
Jeff Rowland 535
Sanders Magtech 
Krell Duo125 
If anyone has any experience with any of these amps or has used them Joseph Audio speakers I would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance.
Nice speakers.  What amp are you using now, and what would you like to improve upon?  What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you?  Also, what’s your budget limit?
I've got the JA Pulsars (v1) and have been using them to great satisfaction with a BAT 225se. 
Nice speakers.  What amp are you using now, and what would you like to improve upon?  What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you?
 Also, what’s your budget limit?

I am using a Bryston 2B. I am looking to improve everything. The amp was just a temporary loaner until I get something new. Not looking to color the speakers sound just find something neutral sounding. Budget is about 6-7k Canadian.