Amps to use with Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I'm curious what owners of these speakers are driving them with. I currently use a Gamut D200, and am wondering what others I might consider. For example, the Pass amps . Anyone got any suggestions as to what they have found to be a great combo?

I have a pair and have listened to them with several different amps both at home and at the shop when auditioning. The nice thing about these speakers is that they seem to play nice with a wide range of amps. The impedance curve does not dip too low, so they play nice with both tube and SS. Since they are a very neutral speaker, it is easier for them to show the characteristics of the amp. As compared to trying to correct or "balance" an overly bright or forward speaker with a super tubey amp, I would recommend an amp that leans just a bit in the direction you like. Right now I am running them off a 35W/ch old Marantz 8B, and while it doen't provide thunderous base, it sure sounds nice.
Hate beat a dead horse, but people have sold their eVOs after one listen to
the H2O.
I took my SST Son of Ampzilla (100wpc x 2) to a friends house and we spent some time with the SoA on the VR4jr's.

For a high dispersion speaker, I thought it sounded truly remarkable from top to bottom in an untreated living room.

Great highs, rich midrange, and Solid, Deep bass.