An Amp Nobody Talks About, Bricasti Design

I heard the Bricasti Design M25 driving Serblin Ketemas and was enchanted with the sound and build quality. Constructed in central Massachusetts I was expecting a price north of $25 K, but was surprised to find out that the MSRP was $18 K.  I decided to buy one to drive the high frequency transformers of my Sound Labs ESLs. I put a 2 ohm resistor on one leg of the primary. Set the crossover for 1000 Hz and fired away. The amp shut itself off in 15 minutes and sounded strained. A measurement disclosed a low frequency ringing at the crossover point. I tried changing the crossover point and slope with no effect. Finally, I emailed Bricasti with a screen shot of the problem and Brian (Bri-casti) emailed me back and explained that with a completely balanced amp you have to put a resistor on both legs! Putting a 0.75 ohm resistor on each leg of the primary solved the problem entirely.

The Bricasti has a crystalline, airy sound characteristic of the best class A amplifiers. It is also completely bullet proof. It is driving a very low impedance reactive load without a sweat. If it is unhappy with anything it just shuts itself off. I destroyed a pair of JC 1s pulling the same stunt. The amp is a boat anchor. Every panel is CNCed from billet aluminum in house. There is no sheet metal in any of his units. The power supply is HUGE and the amp will continue doubling down to 2 ohms. It is putting out some 600 watts/ch into those transformers.

Brain is also very personable and very helpful. He is the company's chief designer. I have no problem recommending his equipment. First class all the way. 


You experienced Bricasti service, which is something many of us have touted about the company.

When I reached out to Bricasti Design via email a year ago about upgrading a M1 DAC to M1 Series 2, it was Brian who responded and we had a terrific exchange.

Enjoy the M25.

Had their M3 DAC and the build, feature set and sonics are top notch. 
Was eying the M25 for my Wilson Sabrina speakers but can’t part with my Pass mono amps yet. I wouldn’t hesitate recommending a Bricasti DAC to go with your amp. Enjoy!!!

I heard Bricasti electronics driving $45k Tidal speakers at the Cal Audio Show a few years ago. It was the best sound at show, and maybe the best I’ve ever heard.

Bricasti's M7 reverb has become one of the standard go to studio hardware reverbs - for lots of people have heard Bricasti even if they don't know it!

@yoyoyaya  They are very proud of that unit. I live 20 minutes from the factory in Shirley, Massachusetts. When I went to pick up my amp I got the factory tour and I saw the M7s being hand! In a separate building they have 4 very busy CNC machines and huge bins full of shavings that get recycled. Up to 80% of each billet winds up as shavings. What a way to build electronics.