The only way some are going to hear a difference with speaker cables, is to remove them from your system, and bring them to a home where differences can be heard on that system.All of the cable changes I’ve made were done at my house with my system, since auditioning a cable at a store with their equipment has zero relevance as the cables are not connected to my system. Other than an audio store I know no one with a system better than mine, so I cannot avail myself of someone else’s equipment. In any case, the audible difference on someone else's system is a moot point since I don't listen to their system.
That very well could be true. In my system, I’ve used a Denon POA1500 amplifier, a McIntosh 2105, and I now have a Balanced Audio VK6200. I’ve used a variety of pre-amps, and currently have a McIntosh MK123 AV/pre-amp.
Not all systems have the transparency and careful set up to hear what should be obvious. I do not understand why this battle goes on.
Speakers have been Klipsch, JBL, Magneplanars, and currently are B&W 802 series.
So, my systems have been solid mid-fi, but maybe not to the level required to actually be able to present the difference in cables.