I watched both of the videos just last night and after watching the second I pulled out a calculator…

But I would like to hear his system 😁

I live in ectasy then i am not envious at all...😊

An ectasy equal another ectasy nevermind the price...

Headphone is my last stand and the best ever i experienced ...

Very interesting system for sure... Thanks for the information...

Being without money i myself go for small room acoustic, but as Harley said very rightfully , electrical noise floor level control is critical... I could not experiment with it the way he did... but my system being simpler it was also more simpler to control it in some way..

his other video about room acoustic is interesting...

Thanks to the Op...


That was fun.  Interesting comparison might be:  One Man's Dream - Ken Fritz Documentary about the world's best stereo system; on YouTube.  Some would say, why would you spend so much on a hi-fi?  I would ask, why do people spend what they spend on automobiles or airplanes.  A great hi-fi system takes me more places. 

1 big sales pitch for each of his components. They get all of this equipment at a drastic savings and there was controversy over how much these reviewers get paid by the manufacturers to give them glowing reviews. I quit TAS and the other audio mags because they stopped giving relevant reviews, everything they reviewed was the best they ever heard. Not everything is the best, some are better than others and some components are flat out bad or bad for the money. I prefer online reviewers 

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