This is generalizable to humans as well. Sometimes when I come home I just want to decompress listening to music for an hour or so but my recently retired wife wants to have some companionship. I used to come home before her and got used to my routine but it doesn’t do much for the marriage to retreat to the listening room and crank up the music. And she immediately reaches to lower the volume knob to protect both of our hearing
Animals and audiophiles
Lately a few members have mentioned their pets and posted pictures of them in addition to their systems. Its brought to mind this feeling of guilt Ive had the past few years concerning our two rescue dogs. These animals like so many rescues live to be around us at all times following either my wife or I from room to room. My schedule is to return home from work in the afternoon and preform my doctor ordered exercises while listening to music every week day..This can be from one to two hours depending on how focused I am and of course the dogs have been alone at home all day and want to hang out. So you can see the dilemma Im sure, like most bommers I listen to mixture of rock, jazz and blues and sometimes you just want to crank it up a little especially while exercising. Never been a headphone guy and really don’t want to start digging a new money pit either. Its said that they can hear up to 35khz I know but its the levels that concern me, most days I may bump up the volume a little but within a few minutes the guilt kicks in and I turn it back down, shutting them in another room is not a great option and I can’t put them outside because we have Coyote problems in our neighborhood. I’ve read that they can shut down their inner ears to block out background noise so they can focus on particular sounds and wonder if that’s so, they never show any signs of discomfort ,drives me crazy when they’re laying on the floor right in front of a speaker. Any audiophile vets out there care to weigh in? Thanks in advance! Oh and please don’t forward this to PETA Im doing my best.
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We have three rescue dogs as well, in addition to a coyote problem that backs up to a mountain/city park. Two of the three are Chihuahua mixes that have exceptional hearing in the dog world. I think I see your dilemma; the dogs have been home all day, you come home, they want to be around you no matter what, you have to exercise while dialing up the volume, dogs would rather be around you vs leaving the room - even if they are in discomfort. Did some reading on the Internet since I've had similar questions and this is what I found: 1) No formal studies between loud music and ear damage for dogs, but... 2) Naturally, working dogs exposed to a loud percussive noise (gun shot) can cause temp and/or permanent damage - so it does and can happen 2) One vet recommended 70 db and lower 3) Signs of distress include licking lips, putting ears back, panting or yawning 4) High frequency sounds can cause discomfort/anxiety, but it's the decibels that will naturally cause the damage I'm not into headphones either. Unsure what options you have. I do notice that my dogs will leave the room if really start pushing the volume on something I like, but I usually listen well after their excitement of seeing me has drawn down. Like your dogs, they usually won't leave my side unless we go through the daily routine of play/exercise before dinner in the evenings. I found this small thread from 7 years ago that kind of mirrors our experience: |
@toro3 Thanks for your research and reply toro. Seams like their would be more info online about this,especially since animal ownership has gone crazy in the last few years. Im definitely up over 70 Db at times and if I try to leave them in an adjacent room they cry and stratch at the door. Neither one shows any signs of discomfort or wanting to leave the room, funny thing though when my wife is watching a movie,especially an action type with loud noises or glass breaking etc they do show signs of anxiety and will leave the room.Thanks again,have fun with the beasts and keep em clear of the Coyotes,our female was attacked and was lucky to survive ( they’re only 25 lbs ) . Checked out your profile btw, really nice systems, love that mid century console cabinet your using also. Thanks again! |
I agree. You think there would be more research out there. Definitely surprising. Appreciate the compliment and glad to hear that your dog survived - I would imagine that was traumatizing. The credenza was purchased maybe 15 years ago. Prices have definitely jumped up since then. Seems like we share the same taste - especially love that clock and overarching lamp! |
My rescue Pyr mix doesn't ever display discomfort but I don't exceed 75 db peaks in our large space. She will occasionally opt to climb the stairs to the first landing but I can't be sure she's actually trying to escape the music. Great to know there are others here who favor rescues! We've had six rescue mutts, so far -- (two Pyrs, three Husky/Malamutes and one Shepard/Husky. Without exception, they've been terrific companions. Not once have we wished we'd bought a dog from a breeder. |
- 11 posts total