Reviewers sell...
Their usefulness is delivering official specs, appearence and details about the products...
Their opinion generally have no value...Those honest dont accept to write about a product they dont like... And they speak about all products they dont dislike in a neutral way generally...
Imagine one of them writing a review about a product of a young company and imagine he destruct it in his review.... What could be the consequences ? This does not happen often and there is a reason why : responsability...
The opposite is possible and way more frequent , the worst product i ever listened to was a product i bought 10 years ago after reading a positive review of this horrible headphone amplifier...
What could i write if i was a reviewer ? Nothing i would have never write anything about this junk...
Imagine the responsability if i do write a destructive review corresponding to my impression ... I will never wrote the review but i bought this product because a reviewer wrote very positively about it... My friend bought it too... We sold it on the spot after few minute listenings and laughing about our credulity in reading reviews ... 😊
Experienced owners reviews matter way more ....They had skin in the game... They paid the product and dont borrow it to sell it with their words...
All relatively low cost products i bought after pro reviewers opinions were an error i regretted...
All products i bought after inquiring their many owners opinions on the net or informal reviews i never regretted...I statiscally compared them to make my mind... I bought my best components this way... No regrets ever... Only pure joy ...