Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?

I heard about new DACs on the market better than Scarlatti.
StahlTek Vekian and GTE Audio.
Someone compared them with Scarlatti?
Any other DAC compared with dcs?
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A question I can relate to...

I am currently assessing whether any of the ensuing will make a compelling, non trivial, semi-rational upgrade to my current dCS Delius

1. dCS Scarlatti
2. Esoteric D03 or D01
3. EMM Labs XDS1
4. Playback Designs MPS-5
5. Stahltek Vivian
6. Boulder 1021 inclusive new Ethernet connectivity...

or whether we're into the realm of infinitesimal gains....
I would suggest that the Wadia 922/931 with modifications from Great Northern Sound belongs towards the top of the list. It has taken me over a year to begin to appreciate what the Wadia DAC does, and I remain amazed. For me, the Wadia is such an essential part of a system that brings me into a performance with the greatest musicians. The Wadia will not add anything to the performance, but extracts all the detail about the music, the technique, and the venue. The Wadia is absolutely realistic when it comes to dynamics, image size, detail, and soundstage. It does all this without exaggeration.

As an example, I am a bit of a pianophile, and I like to hear the differences in technique. With Richter, he was a big man and used his entire body to play the piano – it can be quite aggressive and even violent. Horowitz has a bell-like quality to his right hand that remains clear even at high-speed. Bolet coaxes notes from the piano, Pletnev lobs notes from the piano – each has a characteristic intonation. I am now listening to Schubert’s Sonatas by Uchida. She is such a cerebral pianist, and can play with such light touch, tenderness, and beauty.
Kennyt, I had Emmlabs DAC2.
It is much lower level than Scarlatti.
Timbers are very far from real and resoluion is low with Emmlabs, but this you understand after listening to Scarlatti.
SACD is almost impossible to listen also.

As for Playback Design, I don't trust reviewers, but I trust owners.
Someone had Scarlatti and changed to better dac?