Any experience of Valvet Audio E2se amplifier?

Has anyone auditioned that amplifier? It is a SE, 12w solid state design.
I read some very good reviews, but I trust more the opinions of the independent audiophiles in the forum, before I buy it.
Thank you 
Cool thanks Joe! I agree Xa25 needs a sweet preamp something like a conrad-johnson!😀
Valvet amps are great amps. I have a pair of the mono blocks Valvet offered prior to going to the one piece amplifier you mention above. Joeinid's description of the sound is spot on. I went with Wilson speakers a while back so am using a higher powered amp with them but still can't bring myself to sell the Valvet's. They are special and a great value for the money. 

Yes, CJ is a great compliment to the XA25 as well as Supratek or similar. The combination is unbeatable.


Thank you for the confirmation on sound. Trying to describe what we hear can be difficult and I don’t want to mislead anyone. Valvet is indeed awesome and once you match it with the right speakers, it’s awesome. Less is more.
Hey Joe do you think Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe is better than say the c-j ET7 S2? I do like the cj remote volume control.