Any experiences with FM Acoustics Preamps

I am interested to know whether FM Acoustics preamps - though technically specs perfect & meticulously executed have 'that emotional thing' we audiophiles look for? Or is it on the cool side.

Response from Forum members will be most appreciated. I'm considering the single-ended FM-155 to go along with the Symphonic-Line Kraft amp. Symphonic-Line recommends their RG3 MK4 as a perfect SS match or even their tube preamp Enlightment as a match. Nevertheless, FM Acoustics interests me but am not aware how it sounds & whether the integration will be perfect.

Thanks for your feedback. None of the FM preamps are remote. The RG3-MK4 is with remote. Probably you may have used the RG3 which could be the MK3 version considering it was 3 yrs back. I've come across some Kraft owners who are using Sym-Line preamps - either the RG3-MK4 with the full Turbo Power Supply or the Tube pre called Erleuchtung. Some are using the CAT SL1.

Yes - the RG3-MK4 is quite a bulky unit and equally similar is their Turbo Power Supply unit. The FM is practically 25% of the entire RG3-MK4 + Turbo outfit.

I guess the only way to get to know now is to buy the FM-155 and pair it with the Kraft keeping fingers crossed and hoping it would be a superb synergistic match. If not, it will be for sale soon with a lot of investment loss !!


I really don't think you would be risking much with the FM -- in my time it really sang with the Kraft.
The CAT also sang beautifully with the Kraft... admittedly, in tubes I preferred the CAT to the Erleuchtung (but the Erleuchtung phono is, perhaps, slightly better than the CAT's). Regards
Gregm :

That's a nice assurance !! I appreciate it.

By the way, someone mentioned to me today that the best ever preamp he'd experienced with the Kraft was the hyper-expensive & exotic Dynaudio Arbiter preamp but this is not in my league.

Anybody has any experiences with the Arbiter ?
Hi Arupg & Gregm,

May I have your kindly advise whether the SL Tube PreAmp Ref or RG3 MK4 will be best matched with the KRAFT 300?

Many thanks for your help.
Hi Arupg, fyi top of line FM, their model 268 has a remote. And in the package, it throws in a 'superb' built-in linealiser section too! Imo, they are one of the finest, if not the BEST linestage currently available. From where I hail priced at around that of a brand new Benz E320!! Although in$anely expen$ive, I believe them to be a once-in-a-lifetime investment for most ( more the urge to upgrade!). Look one up, they are worth a listen!