Any good and cheap CD racks?

Any sugestion for good and cheap CD racks that hold 1000 CDs?
Thx for the help.
I have a Boltz. It is good and cheap. I bought a factory blemish off their wesite for about 20% off. The "blemishes" do not look bad; looks like ordinary wear after a couple of months (in my house).

One issue you need to consider though. If you are not careful taking the CD's in and out of the rack, or if you do not have a section full all the way across (and the sliding keeper bar is not engaged), the Cd's will fall sideways. If they fall sideways, about half the time they will also fall all the way to the floor, out the back of the rack. This means in addition to owning this rack, you may also need to have a supply of jewel cases. But only if you are not careful (like me) and cannot fill the entire rack.

Hope that helps.
This will sound crazy,
Sony Cdp-CX400 Megachanger $249
Think of it as an electronic filing cabinet, you can link up two of them to store 800 cd's. Check out the Wes Philps review under featured products @
It works out to 62 cents a cd.
Yes of cousre I pop my cd's into the transport for critical listneing but for background I run it through the toslink into my Bel Canto Dac.
You are right Chelillingworth, it does sound crazy. Just curiosity, what do you do with the jewel cases?, liner notes?
Maybe you can sell the jewel cases to Chstob.