any Marillion Fans?

I used to listen to them a lot back in Cuba during college,
since I came to America 8 years ago, I haven't met anyone really into this kind of music.
I have not heard either band,but they sound interesting.I will give them a listen!
I grew up in Eastern Europe in the '80s and "Kayleigh" and "Lavender" were huge hits. I've had a sweet spot for them ever since, but stopped following them after Fish left. Once I got into analog a few years ago, I've acquired double copies of all of their records with Fish, and love listening to them on my vinyl rig. They are very well recorded, perhaps a bit hot on the vocals on "Fugazi," but otherwise top notch. I also think Steve Rothery is a very underrated guitar player. His solos on "Fugazi" and "Misplaced Childhood" are first-rate. Finally, their cover artwork is in my top three next to Santana and Moody Blues, probably my favorite.
Both eras are amazing. I grew up with Fish though. Hogart is probably one of the most underrated singers in current prog scene. Brave.....that's one epic album. I can probably talk Marillion all day long like the biggest nerd ever. hit me up if you're into this band. :)
I like all their albums, but return most often to the 2009 reunion "Less is More". This album's stripped-down rearrangements of material collected from their 1995-2001 albums sheds the pimpliness of the prog rock era to reveal underlying song forms of stunning purity.
I must mention this: I never understood why "Tux On" never made it onto "Clutching at Straws." This is one of the best Marillion songs, if not one of the best songs of the decade.