Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
@audiofun, your gear is higher-end than mine and I don't doubt your claims about the iTube's performance in your system.

But I'm sending my iTube back as it's not adding enough value for me. Having to go from variable balanced to fixed output single-ended may be a factor in my evaluation (different output stages, different cabling, voltage levels, SNR, CMMR things), though.

Fiddling with the wallwart connector thing sounds bizarre; not quite what you're onto there.

My last comment is I know iFi are coming out with the iTube mini, where we should expect higher performance (for higher outlay). That in itself may also suggest the iTube's most obvious use-case is computer/desktop/second-systems. I'd be interested in that if it supports balanced inputs/outputs and/or I switched to a fixed output DAC.


Loftarasa; I totally understand that all things don't work in all systems and you are correct, the iTube Mini is on the way and as I understand it, that you unit will sport S.E. and TRUE Balanced inputs and outputs along with multiple inputs. The Mini will also sport a better analog volume control and a better power supply, although the P.S. included with the current iTube is already quieter than a battery supply.

I have always contended that the iTube used with its own volume control and/or in +6dB gain is absolutely NOT transparent :)

Question for you... If you went to "fixed" S.E. were you using the iTube as a preamplifier? If you were (using the iTube as a volume control) then I TOTALLY understand your comments/findings and agree with them. That is a great feature to have in a lower end system (not being a snob) or as a backup in the case that your preamp is in the shop for repairs or the such.

Back to the music., listening to Reference Recordings Rachmaninoff on 200gram vinyl as I type this :)
Hi Audiofun, I played around it with again last night. I agree with you; in Preamp mode (both 0 or 6db gain), it's deleterious. The loss is much less detectable when in buffer mode, but here I preferred 0db to 6db. I also agree the Digital Antidote feature is not really my cup of tea and that the 3D feature is pretty neat. So I think we're on the same page, except for me, going from balanced to single-ended is too much of a net loss. I may wait for the iTube mini.

I'm no E.E. but I still don't quite get why switching the orientation of the wallwart will make any difference -- I mean, it's converting AC so electrically, how can it matter?
The polarity issue would take way more time to get into and explain than I have :) Let your ears be the judge, try it oriented in both positions and ponder what you hear :)

Just so you know I am not one of those people as it relates to high end who believes everything can be explained. FYI, I have no idea why some power cords sound better into my SP10MK3's power supply than others ??? well, ok.., I have some ideas ...
@Audiofun: by magnetic cables I mean those that I have in my main system: High Fidelity Cables.

@Loftarasa: it makes a difference if you swap the hot and the neutral when you turn the walwart. Even fuses have a direction! Read about the after market fuses on this and other forums. As I mentioned many times, upgrading stock fuses yield, after dedicated lines and audiophile wall sockets, the highest return.

Back to the topic: anyone have the SE upgrade installed?