@audiofun, your gear is higher-end than mine and I don't doubt your claims about the iTube's performance in your system.
But I'm sending my iTube back as it's not adding enough value for me. Having to go from variable balanced to fixed output single-ended may be a factor in my evaluation (different output stages, different cabling, voltage levels, SNR, CMMR things), though.
Fiddling with the wallwart connector thing sounds bizarre; not quite what you're onto there.
My last comment is I know iFi are coming out with the iTube mini, where we should expect higher performance (for higher outlay). That in itself may also suggest the iTube's most obvious use-case is computer/desktop/second-systems. I'd be interested in that if it supports balanced inputs/outputs and/or I switched to a fixed output DAC.
But I'm sending my iTube back as it's not adding enough value for me. Having to go from variable balanced to fixed output single-ended may be a factor in my evaluation (different output stages, different cabling, voltage levels, SNR, CMMR things), though.
Fiddling with the wallwart connector thing sounds bizarre; not quite what you're onto there.
My last comment is I know iFi are coming out with the iTube mini, where we should expect higher performance (for higher outlay). That in itself may also suggest the iTube's most obvious use-case is computer/desktop/second-systems. I'd be interested in that if it supports balanced inputs/outputs and/or I switched to a fixed output DAC.