Any superb balanced dacs up to $2,500 used??

I have not posted in a long while, however am testing the waters on dac opinions. Am currently using a Vecteur L-4 cd player full range, that also happens to make a very good transport- preamp is modded Sonic Frontiers Line 3 (fully balanced). What are the some current favorite dacs out there under $2,500 used? (tube or non-tube)- caveat- must have balanced output, and preferably also a true balanced design.

I have owned Emm Labs gear; AA Capitole (both versions); Sim Audio Eclipse (still miss that one- superb for a one-box and IMO much better than the Capitoles); Spectral 3000/Audio Note 3.1x Balanced dac (I loved that combo); etc. But now, I need a more cost-effective solution- yet would like to border on a superb setup once again, hence the idea being a good deal on a used top-performer dac.

The Audiomeca Enkianthus X seems to be ~ $3k asking used, and I am sure could be had for around $2.5k; the Electro ECD-1 is cheaper (~ $1.2k used)but I'm not sure how good it is compared to the others. One consideration is a locally available Sonic Frontiers Processor 3 @ ~ $2.5k used, which I will be auditioning this weekend, along with a rather elusive Forsell Ref dac (but it's more $$). I would pick up an Audiomat Maestro in a second, but they are very elusive and probably not that cheap used. I like insane build quality; heavy duty power supplies, etc., so please no lightweight contenders! If this doesn't work out, I will probably end up going back to the best one-boxer I can find for ~ $3,500 used (most likely the Eclipse).
I've had Electro ECD-1, Bel Canto DAC2, Perpetual Tech P-3A, Birdland Odeon-lite, Audionote DAC4, Classe' DAC1, MSB Gold and others I wont mention in my system. IMO, the only ones that sound good stock are: ECD-1 and Birdland. Even of these, the ECD-1 is a bit warm-sounding and the Birdland has the highest highs rolled-off, but both of these impressed me right out of the box.
John, I hope all is well. I have an Audio Logic 24 mxl. It is tremendous. Try to listen to one if you can find one nearby. - Brooks (email me if you want more detail)
I am currently auditioning the Audiologix 24 MXL and an Empirical Audio modified ECD-1.

They are both excellent dacs and significantly better than my stock ECD-1 in my system.

The Audiologic is more 3-D in its images and has a more laid back presentation (although it has very nice PRAT and good dynamics). The HF is very good and there is lots of detail without it seeming forced. I also really like the way voices sound - very seductive and intoxicating.

The EA ECD-1 is more agressive and dynamic. The leading edge is more prominent and there is even more detail than the Audiologic. HF extension and clarity is the best I have heard. If you want something that presents a totally clear window? This is it!!

My ideal dac would be a combination of both and still be "afforable".

I will hopefully be hearing a fully loaded (Platinum version) Sony 999 Modwright unit in the near future as well.

I know you said dac, but if it is better...

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Audioengr/Steve did an excellent job modding my ECD-1.Transformed it from a very good dac to an excellent dac.Before the mod I described the ECD-1 as mellow sounding. Now, after the mod, its more dynamic, airy, fuller sounding.Hearing more details in all the recordings.zybar/George is a tuff critic having owned many dac's.To hear that he is enjoying my EA ECD-1, is very good news.I'm very happy with the results that I heard - and thats what counts !!! There is a blow-by-blow thread concerning the mods that Audioengr/Steve did to the ECD-1 on .