Any Tom Waits Fans?

Just wondering if there are any other Tom Waits fans out there. I've been listening to his music for years. One of my favorite albums of his is Mule Variations. I also love Nighthawks at the Diner and The Heart of Saturday Night. There are many others but those are probably my favorites. Oh yeah..and Heartattack and Vine.
Real Gone is incredible! Insane energy. Try two CDs:

Step Right Up - The songs of Tom Waits
New Coat of Paint - Songs of Tom Waits

(both performed by other artists)

He is great performer, great composer - great artist. Not too many like him these days.
check out his latest live album 'glitter n gloom'.
rocking version of 'going out west'.
I have been a Tom Waits fan ever since hearing Bone Machine in 1992. That one holds a special place for me in Tom Waits line-up. I have to say Black Rider is often neglected too, but I saw a live staging of it by One Yellow Rabbit and it's a great take on Weber' Opera.

From his earliest Albums, I will have to say I love both Closing Time and Heart of Saturday Night equally - lots of amazing songwriting on those first two: From "I hope that I don't fall in love" and "OL'55" on Closing Time to "San Diego Serenade" on Heart of Saturday Night, they are both amazing albums.

The middle period (1980s) is pretty popular, but for myself I am somehow always drawn to the earlier 1970s and early 1990s albums.
Huge fan here also. Heartattack and Vine is my personal favorite too. Saw him at The Backdoor on the campus of San Diego State i the early 70's. Also worked at a high school and partied with the music teacher who was a good friend and part time piano player with Tom.
I’m a huge fan... especially Tom’s early stuff… but I have to say his Glitter & Doom Live is a bit too much for me. His Orphan’s CD shows off his genius in of all things writing songs for childrens' movies… while at the same time it includes a bed time story that clearly suggests that children should be locked safely away if Tom’s anywhere near. I love the liner notes picture of Tom standing in front of the horn speakers blowing his hair back. He is a treasure to say the least.