I second to model 5 Vandy. They have powered subs so need no powerfull amplification and very musical however they're not goot at rock'n'roll either. They best in large orchestras perhaps the best in the range.
Another line I suggest trying used is JM Lab Utopia(whichever is affordable) but they will need much more power than Vandys. Less likely they will mate with tube electronics since their impedance dips down to 2.6 Ohms. Great with Pass X600, X250, Plinius SA250, McCormack DNA2.5.
Another line I suggest trying used is JM Lab Utopia(whichever is affordable) but they will need much more power than Vandys. Less likely they will mate with tube electronics since their impedance dips down to 2.6 Ohms. Great with Pass X600, X250, Plinius SA250, McCormack DNA2.5.