In the 21st century audio engineers build equipment while actively avoiding two of the most powerful tools available to the whole of science and engineering: measurement and error control. The damage to the audio industry and its reputation in the wider engineering world will remain immeasurable until we decide to take control.
💜 Bruno
His amplifier designs and the THX AAA circuit topology are really the only unique things happening in the HiFi world worthy of note recently, imo of course. I also feel the need to push back aggressively on the preposterous assertion by a few people in this thread that “streamers” are somehow better than a PC based front end, with zero evidence of any kind being offered.
The way I see this development is simple, I’ve been using a PC front end for 20-years, it was simply too difficult for the median age audiophile to assemble their own computer, configure the software, download the FLAC files and on top of that, there was no opportunity for you guys to get out your credit card and spend thousands on a shiny new box and get that dopamine hit. Some of you might take offense, but I’m sorry, streamers aren’t doing anything new, and they certainly don’t sound better in any demonstrable way than a middling PC setup connected to a good asynchronous DAC.
I use a USB DAC with 116db SINAD specifically to ensure that my front end is outpacing the amplification it feeds in terms of noise floor. I know measuring things is frowned upon here, but I generally roll my eyes hard enough to do a mental backflip when people say things like Ethernet or WiFi is superior to async USB.. Based on what?