Anyone else ever deal with Tidal "support"?

Well I think I'm about to cancel my Tidal subscription based on their lackluster  "support". First of all, there is no phone support option, as they stated in their email. But they guarantied they'd take care of me. I realize this is the way things are going these days, but if I'd been able to TALK to these guys, we'd have had it figured out in 30 minutes, instead of 30 days!

Long story short, after a month of going back and forth with them, sending screenshots, speed tests, uninstalling the app, re-installing the app, deleting logs and data, they come back today to tell me they no longer support their app in a Windows 7 operating system. Ok,, I get it. But I described my setup in my INITIAL email to them! I think that's just their way of copping out.

When I ask for answers about how they determined this to be the problem, I just get a standard, "We don't support or troubleshoot Win 7 anymore." I never got any technical answers on my issue.

It's just frustrating to get zero answers to my email.

FWIW, my issue is after a few songs, it will drop out every two seconds, play music for two seconds, etc. etc. I initially thought it was buffering, but realized it was playing ok, just dropping out. 

This only happens on the MAX resolution setting. I discovered this when they told me to try LOW res streaming. I told them I never considered streaming in low res, that's why I got Tidal in the first place, for the HIGH res. What's the point of listening to anything lossless? Viola, streamed fine in LOW res.

So my temporary fix, until I switch services, is to install an older version from my Downloads folder, and just not update it. That seems to work for the time being. I will miss the "lyrics" option of Tidal. It's fun to break out the PA system and sing along sometimes. If anyone knows of a hi-rez service with scrolling lyrics, let me know. 

Thanks for letting me rant. Just curious if anyone else had any dealings with them,



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When I ask for answers about how they determined this to be the problem, I just get a standard, "We don’t support or troubleshoot Win 7 anymore." I never got any technical answers on my issue.

I don’t really think you can fault Tidal here. Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 about five years ago - it’s just obsolete.

Yeah I get the OS is old, but I gave them as many details as I could initially. Tidal version, OS version, browser version, VPN etc. I just wish they'd stated that from the get-go.

+1, As noted above, “Tidal does not officially support Windows 7 for its desktop application. The minimum system requirement is Windows 10 or higher. While some users may find workarounds or unofficial applications, the best experience and features, such as high-fidelity streaming, are available only on supported operating systems”.