Anyone has experince with PSC Pure Silver Connec,?

I am looking for high-end Interconnects and Speaker cables.Presently using Siltech SQ80(interconnects),Siltech SQ100 and Stereovox (speaker cables).Heard good things about PSC PURE SILVER CONNECTION cables- Australian company, also recommended by Larry Greenhil from Stereophile. My system consists of Burmester 969 and 970, Burmester 808MK5 , Gamut M250, German physiks PQS202 MK II. Also thinking of upgrading the Power Amplifier - suggestions welcome.
Hi Wlowehiscom,good to know someone has the German Physiks 202. I used to have the Acapella Violin ( 3years ) driven by Wavac 805M beatiful top-end. Overall I am very happy with PQS202( about 10 months ).Right now I am using Gamut M250 monos,combination of PSC silver XLR , PSC Silver Biwire(top-mid), and NBS Extreme Statement for the sub, so far the combinations are working quite well. Always looking out for a used power amp. mininum of 300W at 8 Ohms eg Boulder1060.I think PQS202 do like more power for control. What do think about ASR Emitter ll ? Good luck.
Sorry for the very long delay -- I haven't heard the Emitter. Lately I've been using the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 300, with which I've been very pleased.
I agree that the PQSD 202s need plenty of juice for optimum performance.
What amp did you settle on?
Hi Wlowehiscom, I have changed my system since. Due to financial reason, I had to trade Burmester system. Now they are Metronome T2i CD, Boulder 2010 and Boulder 1060;Pure silver connection XLRs, Stereovox and NBS statement speaker cables (biwires).Recently added Cerabase,Cerapuc and ceraball.Although Boulder 2060 might be better, so far I am very please with the 1060.Everything sounds wonderful and enjoy my music even more. Highly recommending CERA products!