I have heard it, and connected to the Bel Canto dac 3.5 mk II vbs, (whew ) it was the first time I have heard a computer sound BETTER as a transport than a high quality conventional cd spinner. (bel canto cd2) It really surprised me, as I have heard countless claims before and all ways liked the old fashioned cd spinner over a computer or music server. It has to be the new low phase noise clocks they are using, truly astonishing low jitter numbers. Taken from the web sight white paper ( figure 3 shows the single sideband phase noise of our ulpn oscillator. Note the extremely low -170 dbc noise floor that is critical for the clocks best sound quality. Phase noise from 100 hz to 1000 mhz is only 5o fs (femtoseconds)
or 0.05 ps , thats 100 to 1000 times lower than typical audio clocks.
or 0.05 ps , thats 100 to 1000 times lower than typical audio clocks.