Joeinid: I'm glad your pleased with the Job. I have 6 hours on mine so far. Compared to my current reference, the Wyred integrated, it's not as quiet and the backgrounds aren't as black. Soundstage depth is better on the Wyred. The bass goes deeper on the Wyred but it appears that the Job's bass is more articulate, like you said. I know I only have 6 hours on it so far so I shouldn't make any judgements just yet. How many hours are on yours? Also, I didn't like the Wyred when I first got it. I actually was planning on selling it. I put a tuner on the Wyred for about 300 straight and BAM! Heaven. I just put the same tuner on the Job to get at least 200 hours on it so I can listen for a bit before my return window closes.
I'm running the Job amp-direct straight from my Metrum dac. I get a slight buzz from the drivers when I do this. It is quite transparent that way though. May I ask what your system consists of and what preamp, if any, you are using?