Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
With my volume control at 9 the music is at 80db at 10:30-11 the music plays at 90db or so average weighted C scale. No real noise to speak of until I get to 11AM and then it starts be become loud. If I play my music under 85-90db all is well. If I turn the volume up to 2 or 3 the noise is quite loud through the speakers with no music playing obviously. I hear a moderate buzz combined with loud hissing. The hissing sounds like tube rush, but I hear none of this with all other amps I have paired with my DIY preamp. 

George, my speaker is 84db and the input impedance on the Job amp is 51k. Amazing sounding amp. I have read that older units had a grounding issue that caused the noises I am having. 
@grannyring...i use an LDR preamp effectively as an attenuator at the Job inputs. the LDR piece is set at a specific level and simply left there. input switching and system gain adjustments in use are still handled by my Modwright preamp. rick schultz made this suggestion when i contacted him to build me a set of his evs ultimate attenuators. works perfectly - DRAMATICALLY reduced the noise floor of my system and enabled me to dial in the system gain such that the VC in my preamp now offers very fine control of overall system gain.

i agree that the 225 is a fantastic sounding amp, but does require some care in implementation for the gain and sensitivity.  once worked out, it's truly excellent.
Thank you very much srosenberg as this is a mighty fine idea. I was thinking of just using Rothwell attenuators, but they may degrade the sound? I have not used the Rothwells before. I love this little amp. Best value in high end along with the Lightspeed attenuator.
Seems the Rothwells do change the sound in some not so great ways. Great LSA idea.