Anyone have Warfedale Linton 85th anniversary?

I saw this review on Erin's website was wondering if anyone has these speakers and what you think of them.


At AXPONA, one of the rooms had speakers, similar to the Lintons, in a "stacked" configuration (one on top of the other, four speakers total). This was popular in the old days with Advent speakers. It sounded pretty good.

GR Research as usual, reveals the facts.

LOL freaking hilarious. His inane GIANT Killers assembled are about the same price. Only an idiot would give this charlatan $750 to" fix" a $1500 pair of speakers designed by  Peter Comeau .  I apologize if your comment was meant as satire. 

I have a Kef Cube10 I can pair with them. Only $1275 open box and still returnable. I might give them a show haven’t had a $1275 speaker pair in years.

Only an idiot would give this charlatan $750 to" fix" a $1500 pair of speakers designed by  Peter Comeau .

I'm sure if the design goal was to add another $750 dollars to the retail price, both designs would work better. But only GR offers it, if that is something you wish to do.

No, I can’t really think of anything DR offers I would be interested in. He changed the spectral balance not even knowing the FR below 200hz and added a bunch of expensive damping without evidence it was even needed.