Anyone hear pass XP27 phono preamp


Anyone hear pass XP27 phono preamp?

I currently have the xp17 but thought separate power supply in xp27 might make big improvement similar to upgrade xp12 to xp22

Very little press on xp27 ....likely will audition just curious anyone try it..
Well, I have a VPI Avenger with various arms and carts and a Pass XP-20. Not sure if the jump to the 27 would get me enough the justify the difference in cost. Kent English and (I'm pretty sure) Desmond own and are quite happy with the 17.
Well, I already have a LP-S, an A-95, a SS Sussurro MkII and a Paua MkII ES (and a few other lesser but still enjoyable carts). At the moment I plan to hold off on any additional cart purchasing. :-)
How do you like the A-95 ...I had the A-90 and many records sounded amazing others were very mediocre....I find the lyra kleos and soundsmith hyperion more consistent ....the hyperion has both warmth transparency and favourite so far

A95 supposed to be closer to best of both worlds