Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed?

Anyone hear the CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed yet? 

Any comparisons to the Set amp? 

I suppose there will be more feedback once production units start shipping.



I would like to know if it's really as good as the reviews, what makes it magical, and any specific sound, best pairing?

@grislybutter I use Van Alstine SET 120 Power amp. Check out part time audiophiles review of it. 

Re: CA1. I have not heard it. From how folks are describing it, it is not the sound that I chase ;-) 

@agwca that's very thorough. The Hegel costs more than twice. So I am not sure you are calling this a great value or not. (By great I mean fantastic in comparison to similar amps. Is it as good as an amp twice the price?)

I think the phono input is a mistake as well as the lack of pre out. It looks like a minimalist amp but exactly those two things would make it minimalist and practical for the budget audiophile. The design is also borderline unbearable for me, with a tiny bit more effort it could have been ok to look at (subjective of course)