Anyone heard new Moon I-7 Integrated Amp?

I am looking at Bryston B100, Moon I-7, Classe CAP 2100.

I'd appreciate any thoughts from people who have heard any of them.

I am with you one the old cosmetics. Much better than the new. The displays on the P8 and Andromeda are too big and it make them look cheap.

I'm going to reserve my opinion on the looks until I see it in person, but I think the i-7 is pretty nice looking, and Sim seems all jazzed up about being able to customize the cosmetics. I'm hoping maybe that includes the LED display, because I find the red rather alarming! I was never a huge fan of the i-5's looks, so that may be part of it. I think in some ways Sim's looks don't match up with their sound quality, but obviously that's an entirely subjective statement.
Those displays on the Sim products are absolutely horrible.

The Classe looks fantastic and the touch screen just oozes coolness. Now as to how it sounds, I'm not a huge fan of Classe "sound", so I'll pass on that judgement.
The red light display, in the Simaudio Evolution series, is big and easy to read when you want it, but it turns right off when you don't. Still waiting for a listen of the I-7 though; a working prototype for dealer demos has been apparently delayed 'til October.
Probably has the Simaudio "house" sound which is great if you like it. I owned the I-5 LE for about 6 months until I couldn't stand the weak, ill-defined bass anymore. Treble is great but that's their strength so you get this great soundstage until you notice that there's no boogie in the Sim's steps.

Since Simaudio stuff ain't cheap, get your dealer to give you the amp for the weekend and try it with YOUR setup - many of the Simaudio dealers know that Sim stuff runs lean and they pair it with Cardas Golden Cross (warm cables) and an ultra-expensive speaker setup to compensate (extra bass).

I'm not saying that it's terrible stuff but that system and room matching with Simaudio equipment is a must or you could end up with a lean system like I did...