Hmmmm... Well, at least you ("Kimballcorson") have some history here at the 'Gon, (unlike a lot of other somewhat suspicious 1st time posters who also just happen to be "new" members.)
I have to admit to still being a little skeptical of the DK Design amp. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure its a darn nice pc. o' gear, but I just don't see what possible "wiz-bang-whoo-ville" engineering is going on inside this thing that would account for it being SO good.
I mean at least with some of the new digital stuff (Tri-path, ICE modules, etc.) one is hopeful that there just MIGHT be something there, inside, that could create a sonic revelation. But again, the DK Design, at least as far as I can tell, doesn't break any new engineering ground.
I once owned a similar amp (Llano Trinity) which had the same basic "hybrid" design and layout, same rolling of the driver tubes (sans preamp section), and while it was a great amp, I'm not sure it would have "killed" a set of Cary V12's, or Levinson 20.6's.
I can see where some of the frustration is coming form both at this thread and at others relating to DK Design though, as we all get a little tired of reading & hearing about "the best _____ on earth!" "Absolutely KILLS all comers'!!" Etc., etc. The problem is, it might just BE the best, to THAT particular person or reviewer, but what basis of comparison does any of us REALLY have? Example, I wish anyone (ESPECIALLY "pro reviewers") who pen a product review would state the following criteria:
1.) What other products have they actually OWNED in the stated category.
2.) How long have they been reviewing
3.) What are ALL of the other components, speakers, tweaks, hair gel, etc. used in conjunction with the piece in review.
I personally think No. 1, above, is especially important, as many times I read a "professional" reviewer RAVING on something, only to discover that this guy has listed as his own system, something like "home built 2-way loudspeakers", "1985 Rotel CD player", "1977 Pioneer SX1980 receiver", etc. (OK , maybe the last two were slight exaggerations, but you get my drift). Lots of times these so called "reviewers" don't even have components as high caliber as many of us! Unless you've reviewed EVERY SINGLE AMP on the face of the friggin' earth, how can ANYBODY make such drastic claims??
Well, I guess it all come down to the fact that DK Design is offering a 30 day trial from their dealers, so... I guess I'll just have to put up & shut up and try one for myself (but I must confess, my Halo JC-1's aren't even the LEAST bit nervous though... we'll see ;)