I have heard the 116 with the ASR Emitter II Exclusive, and that was very good.. Until we plugged in the MBL 8011AM monoblocks into an MBL pre-amp, that is. They were a LOT better than the ASR! Everything improved, and not subtly either. I was quite surprised to be honest, it sounded fine with the ASR but with the MBL amps, I realized I had been listening to recordings on the ASR, but now I was listening to the real events. Very brutal difference, I felt. Impressive. :) Especially considering the 8011AM's cost less than the ASR, and the fact that the ASR is a great amp on its own (it really is, I've listened to it extensively before).
Dave_ptr: I had the same opinion early on, the MBL sound takes some getting used to since it's not "thrown at you" as it is with all dynamic speakers. Brief demonstrations can be anything but impressive, but they sure grow on you. At least they do on me, I'm hooked & I've ordered them now. :)
I wouldn't call the MBL amps "warm", Simonw. I'd rather call them dead quiet, very dynamic & VERY "natural". I have not heard your Ayre monos, but I'm sure they could work. Hopefully you can audition the 116 in your home?
Dave_ptr: I had the same opinion early on, the MBL sound takes some getting used to since it's not "thrown at you" as it is with all dynamic speakers. Brief demonstrations can be anything but impressive, but they sure grow on you. At least they do on me, I'm hooked & I've ordered them now. :)
I wouldn't call the MBL amps "warm", Simonw. I'd rather call them dead quiet, very dynamic & VERY "natural". I have not heard your Ayre monos, but I'm sure they could work. Hopefully you can audition the 116 in your home?